Compliance services

We provide a range of compliance services to support all aspects of business administration.

We provide a range of compliance services to support all aspects of business administration.

We can help you by making sure accounts are prepared in the correct format, statutory books and other company secretarial records are kept up-to-date and that all statutory returns are prepared.

Our experienced team will relieve you of the regulatory burden and leave you more time to concentrate on your core business activities. In short, we will make sure everything is in the right format, in the right place and at the right time.

Our range of compliance services includes:

  • statutory audits
  • annual accounts
  • payroll procedures including Real Time Information and Pensions Auto Enrolment compliance
  • tax returns.

Let us deal with complexity so you don't have to

Accountancy laws and regulations can seem overwhelming in vastness and complexity. It isn't surprising, then, that businesses can struggle in not only complying with them, but also keeping pace with legislative changes that are regularly made. Various penalties can be levelled on companies that fail to heed all of these issues, including those of greatest complexity.

If reading all of this has left you feeling daunted, rest assured that our highly knowledgeable team can assist you in meeting your legal obligations. We can keep abreast of the current rules and upcoming changes and so enable you to free up time to devote to other aspects of your business. Read below to learn many more details about our compliance services.

Statutory audits

Many businesses have a legal need to put their financial statements through audits. However, such audits can be useful for various other reasons unrelated to regulation. For example, they could help the company to act on shareholder requests; identify where problems lie, if anywhere; see how its internal systems could be improved; and enhance its accounts' credibility.

Our service of providing statutory audits is comprehensive. Using it, you can better understand your company, to which the audits can be tailored. Therefore, you can have these audits carried out while minimising what time you need to take away from various management duties. Along the way, any disruption to your company's operations can also be reduced.

Annual accounts

Your company's success can depend heavily on how effectively its back office functions are handled. We can use a suitable software system to maintain your primary accounts and issue tax forecasts for both you as an individual and the company that you operate. Our approach can be tailored to your needs.

Payroll procedures

The complexity of running a payroll can draw uncomfortably large amounts of time and resources from your company's core activities. However, at Akshar & Co, we offer payroll services which businesses can use to smooth the conducting of payroll procedures including compliance with Real Time Information, otherwise called RTI, and auto enrolment of pensions.

Furthermore, you can keep records and sensitive data away from your business premises but still in the strictest confidence. This can be especially useful if you have directors and senior staff members processed on the payroll.

Our other payroll services include providing year-end payslips, including e-P60s and e-payslips, to which your employees will have online access.

Tax returns

Individuals and companies falling short of tax law face a variety of interest charges and penalties; however, this area of the law can be hard to keep up with. Interpreting tax rules can be especially challenging. We offer different, specialised services for our personal and business clients.

For both types of clients, we can prepare self-assessment tax returns. However, personal clients can also benefit from us preparing trust tax returns, comprehensively reviewing tax affairs, and outlining the tax implications were these clients to emigrate. Meanwhile, for our corporate clients, we can help them deal with enquiry processes and capital taxes.

Require more information?

If you would like more information or would like to speak to us direct then call us on 020 8909 3808. Or if you would prefer, ask us a question online.

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